And the award for the best campaign goes to… Harry Potter!

"Pride and Prejudice" (2005) helped boost tourism in the UK.

“Pride and Prejudice” (2005) helped boost tourism in the UK.

As professionals of PR, we know what tools we should use to do our jobs and how we should use them.  But we are so focused on writing press releases, getting journalists to listen to us, engaging through social media and creating content that we are forgetting about one of the best ways of all to tell stories (which as you know is a BIG part of our job): film.

Usually, the only references which are made to movies in the world of PR have to do with how they portray professionals either as PR girls (i.e. “Bridget Jones”) or spin doctors (i.e. “Thank you for smoking”).  Nobody ever mentions the fact that movies (and I mean films, not YouTube videos) are a PR tool… and an exceptional one at that. Continue reading